Under the American Rescue Plan and Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER), West Carroll Special School District is receiving federal funding to address COVID-19 recovery. The district must develop and submit a detailed plan to the Tennessee Department of Education showing how it will utilize these federal funds.
ESSER 3.0 funding is available to West Carroll Special School District for safely reopening schools and addressing the academic, social, emotional, and mental impacts of the pandemic on our students. This funding may be utilized for addressing loss of learning, providing instructional supports and resources, developing and/or maintaining infrastructure, along with many other areas of need.
The district is seeking feedback from stakeholders such as parents, students, faculty members, administrators, support staff, and community stakeholders in order to best determine a plan for the specific use of these funds. Stakeholders wishing to participate in the survey may click on the link provided below. This survey will remain open until July 31, 2021. Thank you for your time in helping our school district.
Under the American Rescue Plan and Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER), West Carroll Special School District is receiving federal funding to address COVID-19 recovery. The district must develop and submit a detailed plan to the Tennessee Department of Education showing how it will be utilizing these federal funds. Your feedback in assisting the district in this matter is greatly appreciated!
ESSER Documents
- ESSER 3 Health and Safety Plan Six-Month Addendum September 23.docx
- ESSER3.0 Public Plan for Remaining Funds Addendum September 23.docx
- StakeholderConsultationParticipants Approved.pdf
- SPANISH-Needs Assessment-part2.pdf
- ESSER Safe Return to School Plan Addendum pdf.pdf
- spanish_ESSER3.0SafeReturntoIn-PersonInstructionTemplate2022-07-20 addendum september 22 (2).docx
- spanish_ESSER3.0PublicPlanforRemainingFundsTemplate2022-07-20 addendum september 22 (1).docx
- SPANISH LEA ESSER Plan-Districts_SPANISH Revised (1).pdf
- SPANISH ESSER Needs Assessment-Districts_SPANISH Revised.pdf
- SPANISH LEA ESSER Community Engagement Checklist-Districts.pdf
- Spanish ESSER Safe Return to School Addendum pdf.pdf
- SafeReturntoIn-PersonInstruction Approved.pdf
- Spanish ESSER Federal Spending Plan Addendum pdf.pdf
- FederalSpendingPlan Approved.pdf
- ESSERNeedsAssessment Approved.pdf
- ESSER Health & Safety Plan-Districts_SPANISH (1) Revised (1).pdf
- ESSER3.0SafeReturntoIn-PersonInstructionTemplate2022-07-20 addendum september 22.docx
- ESSER3.0PublicPlanforRemainingFundsTemplate2022-07-20 addendum september 22.docx
- ESSER Federal Spending Plan Addendum pdf.pdf